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Audio Library — Subject: Cross

The “Cross” in Galatians

There are various aspects of the work of the cross and how they affect us.

Message Number: 62  •  Subjects: Cross  •  Book: Galatians

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A Visit to Calvary

The account of the Lord Jesus Christ being crucified at the hands of sinful men, and why He was willing to die on the cross.

Message Number: 84  •  Subjects: Cross

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Calvary’s Cross

This message examines each letter of the word CROSS and builds a powerful acrostic: Calvary’s Redemption Obtains the Sinner’s Salvation.

Message Number: 150  •  Subjects: Cross

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Two Sides of the Cross

Which side of the cross are you on? The dark side of the cross is covered with sin that leads to death while the bright side of the cross is lit with God’s love and forgiveness that brings eternal life. In this message, we’ll look at Judas Iscariot, Lazarus, Martha, and Mary and notice which side of the cross they are on.

Message Number: 174  •  Subjects: Bible Characters Cross

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Preaching of the Cross

In 1 Corinthians, Paul is preaching the Gospel. He reminds us that we can only be saved because of what Christ did and not by any other means.

Message Number: 251  •  Subjects: Cross Salvation  •  Book: 1 Corinthians

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