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Letters & Testimonials

Here are some encouraging excerpts from the feedback we receive regarding how the Lord is using the various ministries here at Moments With The Book. Have a report or testimony to share? Please drop us a note so we can rejoice with you.


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Hello MWTB Team, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you guys for fighting the good fight of faith as stated in 1 Timothy 6:12 and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ by the production of your very engaging and biblically accurate tracts. I also wanted to thank you for printing the “Son of Hope” tract about David Berkowitz. Through that tract, the Holy Spirit has put it upon my heart to get involved with a local prison ministry. I reached out to them and shared how your tract encouraged me and that I would like to donate these tracts to their ministry if they found it beneficial. Thank you guys yet again for doing God’s work and bringing glory and honor to our Lord and Jesus Christ.

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Today at a back-to-school event in Ramseur, NC, the ‘Jesus Loves You’ tracts went into baggies with a larger card that quoted John 3:16 and included pencils, stickers and candy. Each baggie had 2 tracts, one in English and one in Spanish. We gave out all the baggies in 30 minutes! The event draws so many families. A nearby church gave out 750 bookbags and prayed for children as they left. God bless you all.


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Your "Moments for You" studies have been a great blessing in my life. I am and have been stuck in some isolated, abusive, and just downright toxic circumstances, and those Bible studies for me have been like dear friends. Companions of sorts, allowing me learn and gain great insight and knowledge. I love to receive them in the mail because I do better with the physical paper in front of me, instead of this goofy phone, to take notes and such. So I just wanted to thank you for all that you do, and have done for so many to make these “Moments” available to us all! God bless you all.


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My teenage grandson works at McDonald’s here in Georgia and a customer gave him a tract in the drive-thru. He shared it with me, and says he reads it EVERY DAY. Thank God for your ministry. I have been ministering to my grandchildren about God’s love for them and I was so excited he wanted to share that tract with me.


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“My dad was saved by a ripped up gospel tract, so handing out tracts is very important to me.” David then went on to share the account of his father’s incredible testimony: “One morning, as he wearily headed for his bed after working the graveyard shift, someone offered him a small pamphlet. Its title read simply, ‘The Bread of Life.’ Now, Tony had been warned about people like this who wanted to brainwash good catholics. He didn’t want to take any chances, but he had also been taught to be polite. What should he do? He took the tract, but when he had a moment of privacy on the bus, he surreptitiously tore the tract into small pieces and slipped it back into his pocket. He would have to wait for a later time to dispose of it. But with his bed waiting, he completely forgot about the torn pieces...

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