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Hand-picked content from our editors
Evangelism isn't just for the street corner or the pulpit—it's a way of life! Christians must be the light of the world at all moments in their life.
What do we know about the trustworthiness of the Bible and evidences supporting its reliability as a historically accurate and divinely inspired text?
What is the relationship between faith and works? Are we saved by faith alone or must we do something to earn our faith?
The appeal of the Islam faith is on the rise around the world. How does this religion compare to the Christian faith?
Is baptism a requirement for salvation? Many Christians claim this, and at first glance some verses even appear to support their claim, but how should we understand baptism in regard to salvation?
Are you attempting to earn your own salvation? No acts of kindness, good intentions, or church attendance will ever be able to wash away your sins.
This Book is the inspired, infallible Word of God. Christ is its grand subject, our good its purpose, and the glory of God its end.
Christians are not the only people who understand the important of service in life. However, Christian service is set apart from the world because of its unique motivation.
Who is Jesus? Is He just a prophet or good moral teacher? Or is He the Messiah, the Son of God? One of the most important questions we must answer!
As believers, we trust God and know He is trustworthy. But waves of doubt, guilt, and fear can eat away at our assurance that we are His and always will be.
A common attack on Christians is that the Bible is filled with errors and contradictions. However, most of these claims come from those who have not read the Bible but merely “cherry-picked” perceived inconsistencies.
Christianity and Judaism share many similar, if not identical, teachings. But the difference between these two religions is found in the identity of Jesus Christ.
Many assume that Christianity and Mormonism are more alike than different. However, when the claims of each are examined only one is consistently true to Scripture, providing the only way for salvation.
While atheism has gained popularity in the last century, believing that there is no God is thousands of years old. Why is it that some people choose not to believe in a God?
We all love to use the word love. But the Bible speaks of the love of God as being so much greater!