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Letters & Testimonials


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Just wanted to tell you how pleased we were with our recent order. Your tracts are Biblically sound, very nice quality, and display a wonderful variety. We are planning on using them at events we have planned every weekend this month.


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What a blessing to get correspondence from your ministry. The staff here gets very excited to see the Daily Bible Reader, tracts, and calendar cards into the hands of our inmates. We cannot express our gratitude enough to the Lord for choosing to use you to assist us here in our labors. We are grateful for all of the materials you send that help us to serve the Lord better in reaching inmates and lost staff members.


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Thank you for all of the blessings that you send to me and this prison. People are always walking up to me and asking if I have any tracts. I pass out tracts at the chow hall when people are coming out. I also pass out tracts at the church service as people are coming in. Thanks so much for all you send to me. Could you please send me some more?


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Your faith and many mailings have continued to inspire me, to push me, and to prove to me that I needed faith in Jesus.


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I have been incarcerated for the past 38 years. I was guilty of the murder I committed. It was while sitting inside my prison cell, that someone placed one of your tracts on the cell bar. It helped direct me to the Bible. I read the entire New Testament over a period of two weeks. I dropped to my knees, and asked for forgiveness for my many sins and past criminal actions. Now I stand by John 3:16 as my verse in regards to my own salvation. Thank you Jesus!