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Having been saved on Friday September 1st 1961 at the age of 28 and now approaching age 90, after serving the Lord as a speaker at countless churches, Christian banquets, Bible Conferences, as well as at the White House, West Point Military Academy and and Christian Colleges etc.  I thought that by now, I'd  be acquainted with most of, or perhaps all, of God's great ministries. But for some reason known only to Him, today for the first time, I became acquainted with Moments With The Book and I have been greatly blessed by your doctrinely-sound biblical tracts and other publications. Even though I'm now 'retired', I'm still able to witness to friends, family and neighbors in the retirement community in which I live, as I eagerly anticipate The Rapture, as you very well describe it in your tract that I just ordered. Thank you and may the Lord continue to prosper and bless you and your service for Him.

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