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“My dad was saved by a ripped up gospel tract, so handing out tracts is very important to me.” David then went on to share the account of his father’s incredible testimony:

“One morning, as he wearily headed for his bed after working the graveyard shift, someone offered him a small pamphlet. Its title read simply, ‘The Bread of Life.’ Now, Tony had been warned about people like this who wanted to brainwash good catholics. He didn’t want to take any chances, but he had also been taught to be polite. What should he do?

He took the tract, but when he had a moment of privacy on the bus, he surreptitiously tore the tract into small pieces and slipped it back into his pocket. He would have to wait for a later time to dispose of it. But with his bed waiting, he completely forgot about the torn pieces in his pocket.

One morning some days later, Tony stood waiting for his bus. He was tired and cold. Rain began to fall. He moved to stand under the awning of a nearby bakery. The smell of fresh baked goods wafted to his nostrils. Tony’s stomach reminded him that he was very hungry, but he had no money to spare. To warm his hands, he shoved them deep into his pockets.

And felt the gospel tract. He remembered the title: ‘The Bread of Life,’ and couldn’t help a hint of a smile from flitting across his face. He knew God was speaking to him. And the message from heaven was waiting, though torn in pieces, there in his grasp.

As soon as Tony arrived at his room, he began to reassemble the tract pieces until he could, although with some difficulty, read the message he now believed was sent from God Himself. On that cold, drizzly New Jersey morning, Tony realized his true hunger was in his heart—a hunger for God’s Bread, the Lord Jesus, and salvation through His name.

There at the age of 22, he heard the words of the Savior as if they were directly to him, ‘I am the living bread which came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever’ (John 6:51). He received Him, and his soul was satisfied. He found a group of believers and for the next 67 years, Tony quietly and humbly served the One who had redeemed him.”

(Testimony originally published by Uplook Ministries)

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