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Moments For You

“Amazing Grace” Scripture Puzzle

Here are John Newton's original words for "Amazing Grace." Using the Scripture references listed below, select the one that best matches each line of the hymn. See how many more verses you can find using your Bible. Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)   That saved a wretch like me!I once was... Read more →

Contrasts in Christ

When considering the incarnation, two important truths should be realized: (1) Christ became at the same time and in the absolute sense very God and very man, and (2) in becoming flesh He in no sense laid aside His deity. His full deity and complete humanity are essential to His... Read more →

A Servant of Slaves

Amazing Grace! (how sweet the sound)   That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost, but now am found,   Was blind, but now I see. John Newton, the author of this famous hymn, is an amazing testament to God's saving grace. Born in England in 1725, he was raised by a godly... Read more →

Jesus is Jehovah

God is revealed in the Old Testament with many names and attributes. Look up these verses to see that Jesus of the NT is in fact Jehovah of the OT! Name or Attribute Jehovah Jesus Creator  Psa. 95:6; Isaiah 44:24  John 1:3; Col. 1:15  The First and The Last  Isaiah... Read more →

Amazing Grace

Visit the memorial service following any tragedy, and you will most likely hear the song, "Amazing Grace." Its memorable words and soul-stirring tune (especially when performed on bagpipes) have captivated millions, and seem especially suited to times of collective sorrow. "Amazing Grace" is also one of the most-recorded songs in... Read more →

No Middle Ground

"Whom say ye that I am?" (Matthew 16:15). That question of our Lord's has been declared to be life's most important question. How do you answer it? Who is Jesus? The Muslim would say, "Jesus was a prophet of Allah, but nothing more." A Jehovah's Witness would tell you that... Read more →

Do You Know Grace?

Many non-Christians know the hymn "Amazing Grace" but may not know what grace means. One day when evangelist D.L. Moody was studying the meaning of God's grace, he dashed into the street and shouted to the first man he saw, "Do you know grace?" Mystified, the man replied, "Grace who?"... Read more →

Question & Answer

QUESTION: It is difficult to understand how the Lord Jesus can be God and Man at the same time. What theory do you hold to explain it? ANSWER: We hold no theory at all, and believe that all theories on this sacred matter should be avoided. The Lord's own words... Read more →

Faith's Review and Expectation

There is a famous hymn that was originally titled: "Faith's Review and Expectation." Do you know what it is? The original author would probably be surprised to find that not only has his hymn lost its title, but at least two of its original stanzas are also gone. Plus, it... Read more →

For Bad or Good?

"All these things are against me" (Genesis 42:36). These words were spoken by Jacob, the father of the nation of Israel. Of his twelve sons, Joseph was his favorite, and so Jacob carefully and lovingly "made him a coat of many colors" (Genesis 37:3). Jacob fashioned Joseph's coat with only... Read more →

Grace or Works?

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9). A preacher who had long-departed from the truth of the gospel, told the following story to summarize "the faith" he taught.... Read more →

Question & Answer

QUESTION: In Romans 8:28 we read, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Who are the ones that God has called? ANSWER: We believe that the Bible teaches that the called ones... Read more →

Mind-Boggling Grace

Amazing grace! We sing about it, but what is grace? We can begin by saying that it is God's favor toward us. But it is more than that. It is His undeserved favor. Now let us go a step further. It is His undeserved favor to those who deserve the... Read more →

The Weaver

My life is but a weaving   Between my Lord and me.I cannot choose the colors,   He weaves so steadily. Oft times He weaveth sorrow   And I in foolish pride,Forget He sees the upper,   And I the underside. Not till the loom is silent   And the shuttles cease to fly,Will God roll back the canvas   And explain... Read more →

We Know It's True

Romans 8:28 is one of those verses that perplex us most when the going is roughest. And yet we know the verse is true. We know it because the Bible says it. Faith appropriates it, even when we cannot understand. We know it is true because of the character of... Read more →

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