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Moments For You

Listed below are the articles from the issue you selected. Click on an article to view the full text.

What Are Angels?

God created the angels, just as He created humanity. But angels are an entirely different order of being than humans (Psalm 8:4–5). Human beings do not become angels after they die. Angels will never become, and never were, human beings. Angels are more powerful than we are (2 Peter 2:11).... Read more →

God’s Messengers

God had His reasons for creating angels. And just like His reasons for creating you and me, those reasons spring from who God is. What can we learn from God’s holy angels? Communication Channels In the Bible, our English word “angel” translates the Hebrew word mal’ak in the Old Testament... Read more →

What Angels Can’t Do

While God has delegated angels to make special pronouncements for Him, He has not given them the privilege of proclaiming the gospel message today. Why this is so, Scripture does not say. Perhaps spirit-beings who have never experienced the effects of sin would be unable to preach with understanding. Rather,... Read more →

Riveted Angels

The apostle Peter describes our salvation as predicted by Old Testament prophets who spoke of “the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories” (1 Peter 1:10–12). The prophets longed to grasp this gospel more fully. But the prophets weren’t the only ones. According to Peter, the gospel of our salvation... Read more →

Angels To The Rescue

A number of contemporary books recount encouraging and inspiring stories of the holy angels at work in the lives of people throughout history and even today. These angels have saved the lives of Christians, provided encouragement during persecution, and helped in the conversion of non-Christians. In Celebration of Angels, we... Read more →

Unseen Friends

The Bible says that there are angels who help us. These angels are our unseen friends. The writer of Hebrews, referring to angels, asked the rhetorical question, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?” (1:14). The answer... Read more →

Heaven’s Joy

“There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10). This chapter gives us an amazing glimpse into the joy of Heaven. This is about God’s joy, the joy of the holy angels that surround His presence, and the redeemed and glorified saints that dwell... Read more →

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