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You Choose Your Future

Would it come as a shock to you to learn that, in a large measure, you determine your own future? You become in life what you really want to become. If you desire a certain career intensely enough, you will probably get it. You hold the key to your own tomorrow.

You will remember that God appeared to Solomon one night and asked him what he would like. Solomon requested wisdom and knowledge, and his request was granted—together with riches, wealth, honor, victory, and long life.

In a similar way, the question comes to every person, "Ask what I shall give thee." And what we ask for is basically what we get.

It is said that Lord Roseberry had three passionate ambitions as a youth: 1) He wanted to win the Derby, 2) He wanted to marry the daughter of a millionaire, and 3) He wanted to become Prime Minister. History tells us that he realized all three.

Some years ago, a young man knelt by his bed in a Chicago home and, claiming the promise of Psalm 145:19, he told the Lord that he earnestly desired the following: 1) To be able to memorize generous portions of the Word, 2) To be able to write tracts and to distribute great quantities of them, 3) To be able to furnish tracts freely to Christian workers, 4) To be able to preach the Gospel and minister the Word of God, and 5) To be able to write spiritual articles to the edification of believers. All who know Tom Olson know that he has an unusual talent for Scripture memory, that His Gospel preaching and Bible teaching have been used to the blessing of many, that his magazine articles are widely read, and that his tracts have had perhaps the widest circulation of any man.

And this brings us to the point! Be careful what you want. So much depends on your choice. And there is a terrible finality about it. "When the liquid iron flows from the blast furnace, it may be run into any mold; but it soon cools and hardens, and obstinately keeps its shape, in spite of hammers. If young men and women could but see the possibilities of their youth, and the issues that hang on early choices, as clearly as they will see them some day, there would be fewer wasted mornings of life and fewer gloomy sunsets" (Alexander Maclaren).

For every one who deliberately makes a choice, there are probably three who simply drift. They think of themselves as the pawns of chance or luck. They are fatalists. But, still, they have made their choice, and that choice is to drift along and take whatever comes.

Thinking young people should be awake to their solemn position and priceless choice. They should realize that they can become almost anything they like. Then they should be tremendously careful that what they like is really a worthy selection.

—Copyright (c) 2004 William MacDonald, from Think of Your Future. Published by Walterick Publishing Ministries, Inc., Kansas City, used with permission.

It may be true that there are two sides to every question, but it is also true that there are two sides to a sheet of flypaper, and it makes a big difference to the fly which side he chooses.

—Christian Medical Society Journal