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The Return of Jesus

Special-Order Folded Tract

  • $ 4500 logoNOTE: This item is custom-printed to order (click for more details).

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  • Format: Folded Tract
  • Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
  • Pages: 6
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The full text of this tract is shown below. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)

Watching and waiting day by day,

The return of the Lord draws near.

Those that believe look to the sky

For Jesus, their groom, to appear.

Bible prophecy comes to pass,

Rumors of nations at war.

Famine, earthquakes, fire, and ash—

Peace once known, is no more.

But in a twinkle of an eye,

The marriage supper of the Lamb begins.

The Lord meets the bride in the sky,

For a new life forever with Him.

The Lamb appears, His glory shines,

Fulfilling all prophetic signs.

His voice commands both sea and land,

The nations bow at His command.

But woe to those left behind,

waxed-cold hearts, no love to find.

The Antichrist in the temple revealed,

One hundred forty-four thousand Jews are sealed.

The Bible forbidden, marks are given,

No more Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Hunger pangs as you work the day—

For a piece of bread is your earning pay.

Those with the mark sell and buy,

All the others are hunted to die.

Then the Lamb opens the seals,

Vials of wrath, the earth reels.

The stars start falling from above,

The sun turns dark, the moon to blood.

Then comes plagues, famine, and war—

Worship the beast, or your life be no more.

Then two witnesses come from God,

Are given a reed like unto a rod.

To shut up heaven, turn water to blood,

Rivers bleed or turn to mud.

They finish their work, then are killed,

Lay three days till prophecy fulfilled.

“A voice from heaven called with power,

‘Come up hither!’– a triumphant hour.”

Up they stand upon their feet,

They rise to the heavens for the Lord to greet.

Those beheaded for Jesus are there,

In sparkling white robes does each one wear.

The trumpet blasts, then heaven splits.

Behold a white horse—King Messiah sits.

His eyes like fire, hair white like wool,

He treads the winepress; God’s wrath is full.

One word from his lips, sharper than swords,


All that fight against the Lord that day

Will be eaten by fowls, the Bible does say.

The devil and his demons are taken to hell;

Torture and burning will they forever dwell.

The books are opened at the great white throne,

The dead are judged by the seeds they’ve sown.

Who-so-ever is not found in the book

are cast to hell; the Lord they forsook.

Only those that made Jesus their Lord

Are accepted into heaven as their reward.

No more death, sickness, or pain—

Only Christ Jesus as King will reign.

Today as you read this, don’t close your heart.

Make Jesus your Lord and never depart.

God sent His Son to save us all;

It was His plan from the start, before the fall.

Jesus died on the cross; with nails, He hung,

Put in a tomb; in three days, He sprung.

Risen and glorified, He’s alive today.

Seated in heaven, He’s the only way.

His blood will wash; His word will renew.

His grace is here for both me and you.

Don’t wait till tomorrow, as today is unsure.

Get forgiveness now; be cleansed and pure.

Call on His name right now with me:

Jesus, You are Lord; forever You will be.

Forgive me, I pray; Holy Spirit, come too.

Fill me full—Your works will I do.

Thank Him and believe in His great name.

From this day on, you’ll never be the same.

- Melinda Wooden

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