Not Afraid: My Life Story
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- Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
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- Version: KJV
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the KJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)
The statement “not afraid” is not said out of arrogance but rather it is claimed because of an enduring confidence in Someone that I am assured of. My name is Jabez Abraham, and I was born in South India. I would like to briefly share my personal encounter with Truth. It was an experience so life-changing that I believe it is worth sharing so that others may experience it as well. It was an event that is as real as the sun which rises every day and dispels the darkness of night.
I was born in a culture that contained a myriad of religions and was convinced that each religion has its own path to truth. My life was filled with the religion of my parents: Christianity. We went to church, read the Bible, and prayed. By the time I was in college I knew a lot about the Bible and could teach to others its teaching and stories.
During my junior year in school, I started getting involved in what you would call “living it up.” I lied to my parents, used bad language, and drank with my buddies during my college years. This was what I thought living life was all about. For me this was the balance between life and religion, you live it up and then do good to others by following your own religion; even an atheist could do some charitable works and help their fellow man. After all what is the purpose of life? Why are we here on planet Earth and what happens after we die? These are questions that many ask but few can answer with complete assurance.
In 1996, at 21 years old, I continued my regular ritual of going to church and reading my Bible. I brushed off anyone who wanted to talk to me about anything more than what I already knew about religion. After all, in my mind the Bible was just a religious book of history with nice stories. It didn’t mean anything more than that to me. On April 7th, after going about my routine of attending the Easter Sunday service at my Church, I came home and started watching an animated series about the crucifixion of Christ. All my life, I had seen similar movies, but this time something was different …
Suddenly I came under a deep realization of what happened during that familiar story and I ran into my parents’ bedroom. It was revealed to me that the main reason Jesus came was because of my sin, not just as a historical figure or as the leader of Christianity. It was a supernatural revelation that Jesus was God in human flesh. The true nature of my sin was suddenly made real to me. Sin is anything I do in thought, word, or deed that is against God. God is perfect and I cannot in any way approach Him since I am not perfect. I had broken God’s Law when I lied, lusted after forbidden things, among many others. When I realized this, I understood that Jesus had taken MY sin upon that cross. He was not crucified because of the Romans but because of the penalty of my sin that I owed: “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). I cried out to God and said, “God why, why did you go through such suffering and agony when you didn’t have to?” Then I heard His voice, “Because I love you.” That was the defining moment in my life. I realized that my sin put Him on that cross and I said, “Lord I am sorry” amidst my tears.
It was a Divine exchange when God saved me and took my guilt of sin away. God in His goodness created us in His image with the ability to reason, be creative, apply human intellect, etc. But we rebelled against Him and turned to our own way. The consequences of our actions against God brought about the death and suffering that we see around us. However, God loved us so much that He came as God in the flesh to restore that broken relationship. On that cross two thousand years ago, He took both my place and your place, because that was the only way mankind could be reconciled to a holy God. He rose from the dead proving that He was God who had conquered death and hell, the punishment for sin.
I rose from my knees and I could tell that things were different. My radical change brought on new desires which continue to this day. This is evidence of the ongoing transformation that God is doing in my life. My burden of sin was gone, my relationship to God was restored and I knew it. It was not about any good works that I could do, about being religious, or being baptized. I realized that Christ came to restore our relationship to God. Looking back, it has now been many decades since that day, and I can tell from personal experience and a daily walk that God is real. He is faithful, and we can be made acceptable in His sight. Death is certain, but we don’t have to be afraid since Jesus came to bring us to God and prepare us for the world to come.
Dear friend, if you are reading this, I am not talking about a religion, doing the best you can, following the golden rule, doing works of charity, or even being an atheist. What I am talking about is the reality of God and the fact that salvation is for anyone who is willing to see that in God’s holiness He hates sin, and we are sinful people who love our sin. Let me ask you—have you come to the place where you see that nothing you do can reconcile you to God based on your good works? Have you been moved to repent of your sin, since sin separates you from God? Are you willing to see it as wicked enough to turn from it, and then to call upon Him for mercy, realizing that you don’t deserve anything from the kind hand of God who created you and loves you? John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
I wanted to share this because my story is real, and through it, God has brought truth, purpose, meaning, and fulfillment into my life. He has answered the questions of why I am here and where I am going after I die. Truth is absolute and Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” In Mark 1:15, Jesus said, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” We read in Hebrews 9:27, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” and in Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Dear friend, “To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7).
If you would like to know more about the reality of God and what He has done for you, the Gospel of John is a good place to start. You can read it for yourself and look into the claims of Christ. May the living God guide you in your search for the Truth.