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It's Fair Time (NKJV)

Special-Order Folded Tract

  • $ 3300 logoNOTE: This item is custom-printed to order (click for more details).

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  • Estimated shipping date: Monday, April 7 (Click for more details)
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  • Discounts: Discount coupons do not apply to this item
  • Format: Folded Tract
  • Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
  • Pages: 4
  • Imprinting: Available with 5 lines of custom text
  • Version: NKJV
  • Returns: Because this item is custom-printed to order, it cannot be returned.

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The full text of this tract is shown below in the NKJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)

World Fairs and City Fairs, County Fairs and State Fairs—its time for them all! The displays, the excitement, the food, and the activity attract thousands, many of whom make the rounds year after year after year!

I am reminded of a father who took his child to the fair and waited patiently while the girl rode the carousel over and over until the last dollar was spent. Then he said, “Well, you’ve spent all your money traveling, but where did you go?” That was a good question.

Fair time is a fun time, and who doesn’t like to have fun? However, in all our spending of time and money in one merry-go-round of pleasure after another, shouldn’t we be concerned about where we are going? It’s true that there are pleasures in this life which attract the soul. But the Bible speaks of these as being “passing pleasures” (Hebrews 11:25). If we allow these temporary pleasures to blind our eyes to our eternal destiny we are acting in absolute folly. Whether we realize it or not, we are all traveling to eternity. Have you ever stopped to consider this fact? Even at this very moment you are hastening to a destiny of eternity in either heaven or hell. How quickly the end may be reached! Death often overtakes one without a bit of warning, and to be suddenly snatched away from this life without Christ is to be thrust headlong and forever into “the blackness of darkness forever” (Jude 13). But this need not be.

As you read this, I would assure you that right now is fair time to stop in your course of “merry-go-rounding” and consider where you are going for eternity. The Savior who died and rose again for you, the sinner, stands with outstretched arms to stop you in your downward course to destruction. He pleads with you to flee to Him for refuge and says, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). Coming to Him is believing on Him, and He says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47). Believing on Him implies repentance of your sin and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your own personal Savior. This alone will assure you of eternal salvation for your soul. “Pleasures forevermore” begin immediately, and “fullness of joy” shall be your portion in heaven forever (Psalm 16:11).

Truly, now is fair time:

“Behold, now is the day of salvation”

(2 Corinthians 6:2).

Repent and believe this very hour,

Trust in the Savior’s love and power;

Then shall your final answer be—

“SAVED—for a long eternity!”

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