God's Rules Test For Eternity
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the KJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)
As a basketball official, you made a commitment to master the rules of the game, and using the official rules of basketball as your standard, you make sincere and impartial decisions in the context of specific games. You take a rules test because you want to know the standard in order to be the best official possible, and YOU KNOW that the decisions made by coaches, players, and even you as an official will determine the outcome of the game.
As a created being, you have been given a standard written by God, the Bible. This “rule book” gives us what is needed to make decisions for an outcome far greater than a basketball game. Your understanding and dependence on God’s Book will determine your ETERNITY.
Your Officials Manual states that “the language of basketball must be fully understood.” You have been taught to use “rule book terminology” in explaining decisions.
How well do you know “Bible terminology”? Are you willing to take a rules test to see how well you understand truths that will impact your eternity?
Rule 1.0 Violations
In Section 9 of the NFHS Basketball Rule Book, there are just over 6 pages of specific violations that must be understood by every official. It is interesting that many of the statements begin with “A player shall not” or “A player shall” followed by a rule. You know that if a player breaks the given rule, a violation is committed.
In the Bible, God begins most of the 10 commandments with “Thou shalt” or “Thou shalt not.” These laws were given to teach us just how far we are from God’s standard of righteousness. God says thou shall not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness (lie), thou shalt not covet, or take the name of the Lord in vain, or commit adultery and more! Romans 3:23 says “For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” We are ALL guilty of loving things or people more than God, or of lusting in our hearts and breaking multiple other laws!
There has never been a basketball game without a violation. As soon as the ball goes out of bounds, a violation occurs! There has never been a LIFE without multiple violations against a Holy God.
Test Question: Do you agree with God’s Word, admitting that you have committed violations and sinned against Him?
Rule 2.0 Penalties
In the NFHS Rule Book, out of the 10 total sections, there are 2 sections needed to cover the various penalties for violations and fouls. Every official understands that penalties MUST be the result of a violation. You have probably been in a game where a player committed five fouls and was penalized by being removed from the court. This is usually a sad separation for that player and team.
The Bible says in Romans 6:23 that “the wages [penalty] of sin is death.” This death is more than a sad separation from a game. It is a separation from God for all of eternity in a real place called Hell. The Bible clearly teaches that Hell is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is a place of fire that never goes out. It is a terrible place to go and live for all of eternity!
Often, people doubt that a loving God would ever allow such a place, but as a basketball official, you have a better understanding. The Officials Manual calls for the referee to be “impartial, sincere, and have good judgement.” In other words, you must be JUST. God is loving and HOLY and because He is also JUST, He is right to assign a penalty to the violations.
If a player jumps out of bounds with the ball, he is guilty of a violation. If a different player touches the out of bounds line with a centimeter of his shoe, he is guilty of the same violation, and the penalty is the SAME. The Bible says that if we have broken just one of God’s laws, we are guilty of breaking them all! We all deserve this penalty for our multiple violations and for our failure to meet God’s standard of righteousness.
Test Question: Do you believe that YOU deserve the judgment of God as the penalty for your sins?
Rule 3.0 Substitutions
As a referee, you are familiar with the word substitute, and you know how substitutions work. In the Basketball Rules Book, there is some interesting terminology: “If a player that has been awarded a free throw(s) shall withdraw because of injury or disqualification, the player’s substitute shall attempt the throw(s).” In other words, if a player cannot perform, substitution is available.
In order to gain entrance in Heaven for all of eternity, there is a standard of righteousness that must be met. Yet, who among us can perform to that level? The Bible says, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). We have been injured by sin and disqualified from Heaven because we are given the penalty of separation from God. Yet, there is a SUBSTITUTE available. His name is Jesus.
Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In order for Jesus to be qualified to give us His righteousness, He had to take our death penalty in substitution. Jesus was spit on, beaten, whipped, mocked and crucified in our place. He took the pain and torture of our Hell and even our separation from God as our substitute. Jesus was buried, rose again the third day, and lives today! There is no substitute like Jesus!
Test Question: Do you believe that Jesus died for YOU and that He was buried and rose again the third day?
Rule 4.0 Awarded Possessions
A common term that is used throughout the Basketball Rules Book is the word “awarded.” Points are awarded to the team that is successful on a try for basket. A player is awarded a free throw if the penalty calls for that specific result. A team is awarded the ball out of bounds in the case of the opponent committing a violation. Did you know that there is a penalty for not RECEIVING the awarded possession? Once the ball is at the disposal of the player out of bounds, the player must receive or possess the ball in order to put the ball in play within 5 seconds, or the result is a violation. The player will lose the previously awarded possession!
The greatest possession that we can be awarded is described in the Bible as ETERNAL LIFE. John 6:47 says, “Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” The Bible says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). We can be saved from God’s judgement in Hell. We can be forgiven of all of our sins and have a home in Heaven for all of ETERNITY. These possessions are awarded through Jesus, but they must be received. The only way to receive the gift of salvation is through faith. Faith is dependence on Christ alone for salvation. Faith is more that just knowing that there is a God or that Jesus exists. It is as if you are putting your entire weight on a chair and nothing else. You are depending on that chair. The object of faith must be Jesus. Our weight or dependence must be completely on Him.
You probably have never seen a basketball player insist that the opponents play defense during a free throw. The rules of the game allow the player to attempt a shot FREE from defense. Often in life, sincere people miss out on the awarded possession of eternal life because they are insisting that they must work and that it cannot be free. The Basketball Rules Book provides for a FREE throw, and the provision must be received. The Bible’s message provides salvation from God’s judgment, forgiveness of sin, and the promise of eternal life, but it must be received by faith. Romans 4:5 says, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” Baptism cannot save you. Being a good church member or a good person cannot save you. Stop working for a free gift! Don’t miss eternity in Heaven because of a rejection of your awarded possession!
Test Question: Will you in faith receive the salvation that God has provided for you?
Basketball Officials have an advantage in understanding the Gospel (Good News) about Jesus Christ. So much of the terminology in the Basketball Rules Book can be helpful in understanding the language in God’s book, the Bible. You make basketball decisions based upon a little book that men wrote. What will your decision be based upon God’s Book? The Bible says, “Repent ye, and believe the Gospel” (Mark 1:15). This means to change your mind on anything that is not proven in the Bible and trust only in Jesus to save you. The Bible says in Romans 10:13, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” When you ask in dependence on Jesus to be saved, HE WILL SAVE YOU!
Final Test Question: Will you ask Jesus to save you today?