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Moments For You: Thanksgiving

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Moments For You: Thanksgiving

From the beginning of the Bible to the end, we are commanded to be thankful in all things. When we realize that everything in our hands has been given to us by God, the believer’s natural response should be to praise Him. Thanksgiving is so much more than a holiday celebrated with family—it should be the natural outflowing of our hearts as we realize how great our God is! Join with us as we learn more about thanksgiving through this latest issue of Moments For You.

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New Tract to Celebrate the Season of Joy

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New Tract to Celebrate the Season of Joy

Based on one of the most popular Christmas carols of all time, Joy To The World reveals the message of the Gospel through lines of lyrics. This Gospel tract will help you share the true joy of Christmas this year—Jesus.  We also currently have over twenty other Christmas tracts for you to share the Good News! Which are your favorites?

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Moments For You: Seasons

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Moments For You: Seasons

Just like nature has different seasons, our lives have different seasons too. Whether you’re in a time of great spiritual growth or a time of suffering and change, rest assured that God is present with you in every season of life. Our prayer is that this latest issue of Moments For You will comfort your heart with truth from God’s Word, no matter what season of life you're walking through.

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Are You Going to Heaven?

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Are You Going to Heaven?

This interactive message prompts you to answer nine easy questions based on your life and your habits. Depending on your answers, your score is guaranteed to tell you whether or not you will enter Heaven's pearly gates. Take this simple quiz now and find out for sure if you are going to Heaven.

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How Do You Measure Up With God?

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How Do You Measure Up With God?

It's a new week, which means it's time to release a new interactive message! How Do You Measure Up shares the story of a character named Bob and his encounter with God and His truth. Learn about Bob's experience through this interactive message and share this Gospel resource with others.

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