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Audio Library — Subject: Salvation

Cain, Abel and the Cross

As shown by the account of Cain and Abel, the only way to heaven is by the way of the cross and the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Message Number: 3  •  Subjects: Salvation  •  Book: Genesis

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Joseph: The Butler and the Baker

While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of the butler and the baker. In these dreams, we can see a picture of salvation by works versus true salvation through the blood of Jesus.

Message Number: 10  •  Subjects: Salvation  •  Series: Joseph and Jesus  •  Book: Genesis

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Joseph: Salvation Provided for All

Joseph provided salvation from the famine by opening the storehouses in Egypt. Through these verses, we can see a picture of the salvation that can only be found by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Message Number: 12  •  Subjects: Salvation  •  Series: Joseph and Jesus  •  Book: Genesis

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The Passover

The Passover is a picture of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Message Number: 14  •  Subjects: Passover Salvation  •  Book: Exodus

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Zacchaeus realized his need as a sinner and sought to see Jesus. His need was met by Jesus and Zacchaeus received salvation.

Message Number: 22  •  Subjects: Bible Characters Salvation  •  Book: Luke

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