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Audio Library — Subject: Salvation

Ye Must Be Born Again

Jesus' explanation on what it means to be "born again," and the necessity for everyone to be "born again."

Message Number: 88  •  Subjects: Salvation

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The Blood of Christ

A message on the importance of the blood of Christ in salvation.

Message Number: 98  •  Subjects: Salvation

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It Is Finished

Jesus paid the price for salvation by dying on the cross. He completed the work Himself so all we need to do is come.

Message Number: 107  •  Subjects: Salvation

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What Shall I Do?

An example of the fact that salvation is not through our doing but rather through the doing of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Message Number: 111  •  Subjects: Salvation

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Almost Persuaded

A warning given to all who believe the facts of the gospel, yet do not see their own need of the Savior.

Message Number: 113  •  Subjects: Salvation  •  Book: Acts

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