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Audio Library — Subject: Parables

The Lost Coin

Man is lost in sin. Through the woman and her lost coin, we can see how the word of God and the work of the Spirit brings about salvation.

Message Number: 24  •  Subjects: Parables  •  Book: Luke

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The Prodigal Son

In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son realizes his sin and returns to his father. Through this account, we see the great love of God and His desire for sinners to realize their need and receive salvation.

Message Number: 25  •  Subjects: Parables  •  Book: Luke

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How Can a Man be Justified with God?

This message deals with the topic of justification by using the parable of the pharisee and the publican. The pharisee trusted in his own works, while the publican was justified by the grace of God through faith.

Message Number: 26  •  Subjects: Parables

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The Good Samaritan

Jesus used the parable of the good Samaritan to show that the law has no ability to give life or provide salvation. Only Jesus, the despised and rejected one, can provide salvation for us through His blood.

Message Number: 28  •  Subjects: Parables  •  Book: Luke

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The Parable of the Great Supper

Jesus told a parable about a great supper to give a picture of God's invitation of salvation.

Message Number: 31  •  Subjects: Parables  •  Book: Luke

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