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Audio Library — Subject: Miracles

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We are spiritually dead by nature until we come to know Christ. This message focuses on three miracles that occur in the Bible dealing with death and life.

Message Number: 268  •  Subjects: Miracles Salvation

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Unclean Spirit

This message focuses on the early ministry of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, specifically, the miracle of cleansing a man from demons.

Message Number: 342  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: Miracles in Mark  •  Book: Mark

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A Leper Cleansed

Jesus miraculously healed a man of leprosy. Just as the man needed Jesus to cleanse him, we need Jesus to cleanse us of our sin.

Message Number: 345  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: Miracles in Mark  •  Book: Mark

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Palsied Man

The miracle of the man with palsy shows three things: every man is without strength on his own, Christ did the work that no man could do, and faith is the way from sin.

Message Number: 348  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: Miracles in Mark  •  Book: Mark

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