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Audio Library — Book: John

The Feeding of the 5,000

Jesus fed a multitude with only five barley loaves and two small fish. Through this miracle, we learn how God has met our spiritual need at Calvary.

Message Number: 39  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: 7 Miracles in John  •  Book: John

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Jesus Walks on the Water

God allows circumstances to enter our lives that show us the need our soul has for salvation.

Message Number: 40  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: 7 Miracles in John  •  Book: John

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Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Since Adam, all men have been born spiritually blind. Only Jesus can open our eyes and bring salvation through faith in Him.

Message Number: 41  •  Series: 7 Miracles in John  •  Book: John

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Jesus Raises Lazarus

Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, can give eternal life to souls dead in sin.

Message Number: 42  •  Subjects: Miracles  •  Series: 7 Miracles in John  •  Book: John

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Mary and Judas

Mary of Bethany and Judas were on different sides of the cross. Mary, a worshipper, dwelled in the light and love of Jesus, while Judas remained in darkness and sin.

Message Number: 43  •  Subjects: Bible Characters  •  Book: John

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