How To Change An Apple Tree Into A Peach Tree
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Here’s How:
1. Give it a lifetime membership in The Society of Peach Trees, Inc.
2. Pull off the apples and tie peaches to the branches.
3. Train it to “turn over a new leaf.”
Foolish, Isn’t It?
Neither you nor the tree has power to change it from “apple” to “peach.”
Only God could change it.
And people would call it a MIRACLE
But God would change the ROOTS, NOT the FRUITS, of the tree.
With “peach” roots, the tree would
automatically bear “peach” fruits.
People Are Like Trees!
They all have a “root” problem.
They all have a sinful nature.
This “root” bears “fruit” called sins.
What Can They Do About It?
1. Join the church.
2. Stop bad habits and live “right.”
3. Decide to keep the Ten Commandments.
Just As Foolish!
You don’t touch the “root” problem by changing the “fruits.”
People are powerless to transform themselves.
Only God can do it. (It’s a miracle!)
He changes sinful natures into pure ones. The persons are as changed as though they had been born all over again.
Such a miracle cost God—the life of His Son!
Jesus Christ paid the necessary price to free us from our evil roots.
New roots … automatically, new fruits. Joining the church, living righteously—new fruits!
Want a Miracle In Your Life?
Consider these facts: (Bible handy?)
1. ALL have sinned (Roots, again!)
—Romans 3:23
2. Result? Eternal tragedy
—Romans 6:23
3. God made a way to transform you. It cost Him His Son—Romans 5:8, John 3:16
4. Since Jesus paid the price, it’s your GIFT from God—Ephesians 2:8
5. It’s YOURS—for the ASKING—Acts 2:21, Romans 10:9-13
Put your trust in Jesus today. From your heart, call out to Him:
LORD JESUS CHRIST — I acknowledge that I have gone my own way. I have sinned in thought, word and deed. I am sorry for my sins. I turn from them in repentance. I believe that you died for me, bearing my sins in your own body. I thank you for your great love.
Now I open the door. Come in, Lord Jesus. Come in as my Savior, and cleanse me. Come in as my Lord, and take control of me. And I will serve you as you give me strength, all my life. Amen.
I know this miracle happens today. You see, it has happened to me!