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The Words Of The Lord From The Cross

Folded Poetry Tract

  • $350

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Tract Imprinting

  • Estimated shipping date: Monday, October 28 (Click for more details)
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  • Format: Folded Poetry Tract
  • Paper: Gloss Text
  • Size: 3.5" x 5.5"
  • Pages: 4
  • Imprinting: Available with 5 lines of custom text
  • Version: KJV

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The full text of this poetry tract is shown below in the KJV version.

When the Lord of glory was crucified—
Before He bowed His head and died—
Seven times He spoke—let us all then hear,
As these blessed words fall upon our ear.

His cross was placed on Golgotha's hill—
He was fulfilling His Father's will,
As He took our place in judgment and death,
And suffered in the sinner's stead.

As they drove the nails through His feet and hands,
Was it justice that He from His God demands?
Nay, instead He beholds them in love and grace,
And thus He prayed for His enemies:

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Have these words, dear friend, ever reached you?
'Twas also for you that the Saviour prayed,
And the hand of just retribution stayed.

Two robbers were crucified there with Him,
Who were suffering justly for their sin.
But one repented before he died,
And turned to the Saviour by his side.

And said in tones of expectancy:
"Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom remember me."
He saw that Christ was the true Messiah,
The Blessed, Anointed One of Jehovah.

"Verily I say unto thee," the Saviour replies,
"Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise."
This unworthy sinner was saved that day,
And you may be too, if you come God's way.

As He lovingly looked upon Mary and John,
He said to her, "Woman, behold thy Son";
And then said to him, "Behold thy mother."
So, from that hour on they lived together.

Then for three hours darkness covered the land,
And we see God's rod in His uplifted hand.
The stroke must fall—oh, wondrous grace!—
It fell on Jesus, Who took our place.

His cry of distress as He hung on that tree:
"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
Was heard from that darkness when He was made sin,
That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

And now, to fulfill the Scriptures—God's Word—
"I thirst" from His parched, burning lips was heard;
But they had no pity—no water they gave,
Instead reached Him vinegar Who died man to save.

When He knew there was now no more to fulfill,
(His joy and food was to do His Father's will)
He cried, "It is finished" with voice loud and clear,
That all, without exception, those blessed words might hear.

Atonement completed, He bowed His blessed head,
"Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit," He said.
He dismissed His spirit—the Lord of glory died—
The justice of God was completely satisfied.

But we cannot stop this sweet story here:
He was raised the third day the Scriptures declare.
A living, loving Saviour, He's in the glory now,
Oh, will you not receive Him—to Him your knee bow?

And, oh, blessed truth, He's coming again
To receive to Himself those belonging to Him!
Are you ready for this most important event?
Can you say, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus, Amen?"

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