The Judge
Folded Gospel Tract
- Estimated shipping date: Tuesday, March 11 (Click for more details)
- SKU:
- Format: Folded Gospel Tract
- Paper: Gloss Text
- Size: 3.5" x 5.5"
- Pages: 8
- Imprinting: Not available with custom imprint
- Versions: KJV, NKJV
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The full text of this gospel tract is shown below in the KJV version. (It is also available in NKJV. Select the one you want to order using the “Version” buttons above.)
...Determined to establish law and order!
“Guilty 30 days!”
“Awww, bummer!”
Before long she really cleaned up the county…
“Extra! Extra! Crime eliminated!”
…Through her tough enforcement of the existing fair and just laws.
“Justice must prevail! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”
“Awww, bummer!”
But one day…
“We caught another criminal judge.”
“Bring ‘em in.”
“Um…Hello, dear.”
Suddenly, the judge had a dilemma.
“Mom! You were caught in the act?”
“‘Fraid so, dear.”
How could she send her own loving mother off to jail…yet what kind of justice would there be in the county is she didn’t?
“Yeesh! What am I going to do?”
Then the answer came to her.
“I know. Mom, for the sake of justice, the penalty for your crime needs to be paid.”
“Awww, bummer!”
“But because of my love for you, I will serve your sentence.”
This was the only way the judge could show love for her mother and still maintain justice.
The same is true with God!
“It is?”
The only way God can be just, yet sill show His love for us is for Him to take our punishment upon Himself by allowing Jesus to die on the cross. You see, God loves us and wants a personal relationship with us.
“He does?”
“He does!”
The Lord is … longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
However, our sins stand in the way.
“They do?”
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2
God can’t just forgive sin without any punishment. His standard is too great for that.
The wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23
... Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures ... He was buried, and ... He rose again the third day. 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
“Wow! What do I do?”
Simply place your trust in Jesus Christ as the payment for your sins, accepting God’s forgiveness and free gift of eternal life.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
"Lord Jesus, I’m sorry that my sins have kept me from You. Thank You for paying for them with Your death. I accept Your forgiveness and invite You into my life as my Savior. Amen"
“I have had such pleasant experiences spreading the good news of God's great love by giving out the "Somebody Loves You" tracts. I walk up to someone who looks sad and lonely and I say, "Did you know somebody loves you?" Their faces brighten, they get a big smile and all...” more
“I am currently an inmate and was given a tract called "Why Did This Happen To Me?" It has helped me to grow stronger in my faith and I put all of my trust in the Lord now. I have read from this tract to other inmates in our little...” more
“When I leave the house, I always grab a handful of Bible tracts. You never know when God will send somebody your way unless you are prepared. I've been sowing seeds for about 50 years.”
“I love your tracts and believe they are a tremendous witnessing tool! Presently, my favorite tract is "Have a Good Day!" As people say, "Have a good day," I respond by handing them this tract and replying, "You have a good day as well, and here is something for you to...” more
“Oh, how thankful I am for your soul winning ministry and for those who are able to support you. I am happy to report that by the time you receive this letter, all of the gospel "seeds" (tracts) that you sent me will have been planted in the large field...” more
“I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate your wonderful heart of love being extended to us here in Africa. It was so wonderful that you sent us timely messages for hungry souls. They are touching many souls and blessing many. My heart is full of thanksgiving when we receive letters of...” more
“We want to thank you for your supply of tracts that we received. Praise God that here we are allowed freedom of worship. Your literature is being distributed freely to churches and individuals who testify that they are blessed by your publications. It's a blessing to join with you in...” more
“Thank you for the gift you sent to me. It was a blessing. You guys always put the joy and love in everything you do. I will share all the tracts with everyone that crosses my path. Let's continue to plant those seeds of salvation by His grace.”
“What a blessing it is to be a part of your ministry. You make sharing the gospel fun, exciting, and efficient!”
“Because of your tracts, I and many other inmates here have turned our lives to Jesus Christ. I cannot tell you enough how much we appreciate the work that you do and the powerful Gospel resources that you send.”