This "Angel" is Great, but God is Greater!
Special-Order Folded Tract
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- Format: Folded Tract
- Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
- Pages: 4
- Imprinting: Available with 2 lines of custom text
- Version: NKJV
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the NKJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)
SHOHEI OHTANI of the Anaheim Angels has taken the American Baseball world by storm, here in 2021. I’m glad that America has let Shohei into their hearts!
Shohei reminds baseball fans of BABE RUTH, who is considered by many to be the greatest player of all-time because he could pitch AND hit well. So can Shohei! It’s almost poetic to see the word “oh” embedded twice in the name Shohei Ohtani, because one “oh” is for his hitting skill and the other “oh” is for his pitching prowess. It’s amazing to us to see such talent in ONE baseball player!
As a Christian, this got me thinking. We admire a baseball player who can do two things so well at the same time, but do we admire GOD for HIS ability to do two things at the same time—PERFECTLY?
Allow me to explain.
The Bible, God’s Holy and Perfect Word, teaches us that God is HOLY (1 John 1:5, Isaiah 57:15, Mark 1:24, 1 Peter 1:15, Revelation 4:8, Leviticus 19:2, and many other passages). The Bible also teaches us that God is LOVE (1 John 4:8 and 4:16, and many other passages).
PITCHING and HITTING are two forces that oppose each other, and on the surface, God’s HOLINESS (which means that He must punish sin) and God’s LOVE (which leads Him to forgive sinners who should be punished) seem to oppose one another as well.
In baseball, the gift to be a great pitcher AND a great hitter was only given to two men in baseball history, Babe Ruth and Shohei Ohtani.
But in all of Heaven and earth, the ability to be PERFECTLY HOLY and PERFECTLY LOVING belongs to GOD ALONE.
God in His Wisdom devised a way that both His Holiness and His Love could be displayed for all to see.
You see, every human being, no matter what race, sex, or age they are and no matter what special talents or abilities they have, is a sinner. God’s Word specifically says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But that same passage goes on to say that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was “set forth as a propitiation” (a sacrifice) so that those who believe in Him may be saved! Jesus was without ANY sin so only HE could pay the debt for us sinners who come to Him by faith.
If you watch a lot of baseball you may remember the guy who held up a sign at nationally televised games that simply said “John 3:16.” This verse says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Verse 17 adds, “For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
God IS Holy, so sin had to be punished! But His LOVE is shown in that His sinless Son took the punishment in the place of all of those who simply believe in Him.
Shohei Ohtani is admired because he can do two things at once—two things that are “at odds” with one another, for in a baseball game there’s a constant conflict between pitchers and hitters. But THE LORD is far more worthy of admiration! Though Holiness, which will condemn those who refuse to believe (John 3:18), SEEMS to be at odds with God’s Love, He is “the just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26)! It’s an amazing display of versatility: Perfect Love AND Perfect Holiness, a combination that will have everyone in Heaven praising Him for all eternity!
If you haven’t accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, do so today! He’s always waiting for you. Thank you for reading!
© Copyright 2021 by Chet Jelinski