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Special-Order Folded Tract

  • $ 4500 logoNOTE: This item is custom-printed to order (click for more details).

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  • Estimated shipping date: Wednesday, April 2 (Click for more details)
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  • Format: Folded Tract
  • Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
  • Pages: 6
  • Imprinting: Available with 5 lines of custom text
  • Version: NKJV
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the NKJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)

Archie Arnold, a prankster in life, arranged to have two parking meters reading EXPIRED on his grave in Allen County, Indiana. Archie knew his “expiry” date was near. He had liver cancer, but he died in an automobile accident. Only God knows when our life on earth will expire.

Back in the 1950’s in St Thomas, Ontario, the main street had these exact parking meters. I remember going shopping with my mother. We would park and put a dime in the meter and get thirty minutes time. Mother kept a close watch on the time; she often gave me a dime to go back and get more time on the meter. Dozens of times I would sit in the car and try to guess when the expired flag would pop up. I never got it right. This is the way it is with trying to predict when we are going to die. We just never know.

The expired parking meters guard the body of Mr. Arnold in that grave. That is true. The body is buried in the cemetery, but Archie Arnold’s soul lives on. In the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis, it tells us that when God created man, He breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul. Each of us have a soul that will never die. We are told in Luke 16:19-31 of an incident where two men died. One was carried into Abraham’s bosom (a place of safety and peace) and the other man goes to a place of torment (Hell). The second man asks for a drop of water—but he doesn’t get it. Then he wants someone to go and warn his family—that too is denied. He is told there is a great gulf between Heaven and Hell which no one can cross. That man is still in Hell with all his requests denied. The decision of your eternal residence must be made while you are alive.

The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s eternal son, came to earth, went to Calvary’s cross, and suffered the punishment for our sins. Today He calls us to turn to Him, acknowledge our sins and guilt, and ask for forgiveness.

The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. John 6:37

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Don’t put it off. Now is the time. Do it right now. Then you will have the peace and assurance that when your time is expired, your never dying soul will go to Heaven and be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever. Please accept God’s offer of forgiveness of sins right now. If you choose to accept this offer of salvation, we will meet in Heaven. If you reject Gods offer, you will meet the second man in Hell.- Jim House

1. Life at best is very brief,

Like the falling of a leaf,

Like the binding of a sheaf,

Be in time.

Fleeting days are telling fast

That the die will soon be cast,

And the fatal line be passed,

Be in time.

Refrain: Be in time, be in time,

While the voice of Jesus calls you

Be in time

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late,

Be in time.

2. Time is gliding swiftly by,

Death and judgment draweth nigh,

To the arms of Jesus fly,

Be in time.

Oh, I pray you count the cost,

Ere the fatal line be crossed,

And your soul in Hell be lost,

Be in time.

3. Sinner, heed the warning voice,

Make the Lord your final choice,

Then all Heaven will rejoice,

Be in time.

Come from darkness into light,

From the way that seems right

Come and start for Heaven tonight

Be in time.

“Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us...”Titus 2:13-14

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