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Are You A Good Person?

Special-Order Folded Tract

  • $ 4500 logoNOTE: This item is custom-printed to order (click for more details).

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  • Format: Folded Tract
  • Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
  • Pages: 6
  • Imprinting: Available with 5 lines of custom text
  • Version: NKJV
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the NKJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)

Are you a good person? Some may answer this question with, 

“Yes, I am.” Others might say, “I am a pretty good person because I have not committed atrocities such as murder or rape.” Maybe someone would say, “No, I do not think so,” or even, “I do not know.”

What about you? What is your answer? What category do you put yourself into?

Before answering this question, we must first define the word “good.” “Good” according to the Larousse dictionary means “morally perfect.” So, if I want to know if I am a good person, I must ask myself: “Am I morally perfect?” In other words, since I was born, have I been perfect in my thoughts, my words, and my actions? Has anything evil ever crossed my mind, my words, and my actions? Having said that, am I a good person?

The answer is of course, NO.

No one is morally good because we are all subject to human nature, which is sinful and weak [Romans 6.19]. And since we are not good, there is a problem, because the world that exists is under the watch of the One who created it, GOD, who Alone is Good. And this is a problem because GOD is Eternally Good, and He is the One by whom we can define good and evil and see the difference between the two. If I am to contrast two concepts or words, I must give myself a standard of definition against which I can refer. If I want to define the word “good,” then I must start with a standard of “goodness.” And in this case, GOD is the One who is the Standard by which we can define the word “good”—for only GOD is Good [Mark 10.18].

But there is a serious problem with the fact that we are not good and GOD is:

GOD has determined a day when He will judge all the people on the earth for what they have done. Because we are not good people, and because we are sinners, GOD must judge us. GOD, being Righteous and Holy cannot just overlook sin and do nothing about it, for GOD can’t let the guilty go unpunished, nor can He declare the righteous guilty [Exodus 34.7]. He must be Fair as a Righteous Judge.

But since we are all guilty before God, all people receive the sentence for such judgment, which is death. The Bible says that one trespass led to condemnation for all mankind [Romans 5.18a]. So how can we escape this eternal condemnation, and how can we receive His forgiveness and mercy? The answer is found in the work done by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

You may have already heard about the love of GOD. You may have heard that GOD is love and that being love, He understands that we make mistakes—because everyone does. GOD, however, is not only love. He is also Just, and He is Holy. So, for God to show us His love and His justice, He Himself did what it takes for us to receive His forgiveness and mercy:

He sent His Son, Jesus the Messiah, to the earth to live a perfect life and die for our sins on the cross according to the Scriptures.

In doing this, He took upon Himself the eternal punishment that we all deserved. Like all mankind, we stand condemned in sin and deserving of eternal death, which is separation from GOD in hell [1 Corinthians 15.3].

But, overcoming this eternal death through the work of Christ, God raised Him from the dead for our justification and seated Him at His right own hand in the Heavenly Places [1 Corinthians 15.4; Romans 4.25; 1 Peter 3.21-22].

You are no longer condemned in Christ, if only you repent (acknowledge that you were wrong concerning God and that you are a sinner) and believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for you on the cross, a sacrifice that declared you forgiven and just by GOD Himself. By this, you can pass from death to life [John 5.24], and become a child of GOD. Through believing in Jesus, GOD becomes your True Father [Galatians 3.26].

Dear person who reads this flyer, 

GOD is true and real, ready to welcome you into His dear arms and make you one of His children. The choice is yours. Do you want to remain condemned eternally or do you want to be justified and receive eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ alone?

Do not forget this: it is in Jesus Christ alone that there is salvation. All people since the fall of Adam are condemned and guilty; no salvation can come from any natural man or means.

The Bible says: 

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” [Acts 4.12]. 

But Jesus said,

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me” [John 14.6; Romans 3.23-25]. 

Other Scriptures to read: 

Romans 6.19; Mark 10.18 ; Exodus 7; Romans 5.18a; 1 Corinthians 15.3; 1 Corinthians 15.4 ; Romans 4.25; 1 Peter 3.21-22; John 5.24; Galatians 3.26; Acts 4.12; John 14.6; Romans 3.23-25

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