Something To Think About
Special-Order Folded Tract
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- Estimated shipping date: Thursday, March 20 (Click for more details)
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- Format: Folded Tract
- Size: 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches
- Pages: 4
- Imprinting: Available with 5 lines of custom text
- Version: ESV
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The full text of this tract is shown below in the ESV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)
As children we heard about Noah’s Ark. God told Noah that because of man’s wickedness, He would destroy the earth with a great flood. For the next 120 years, while Noah was building the ark, he preached about God’s coming judgment.
God Will Never Bring Judgment Without Warning
As it was then, the same is happening today. The wickedness of man is increasing again, as it was before the flood. Sin causes man to do evil continually. But we are too busy to listen to what God is saying to us. As the man of God preached God’s word, time was getting shorter and shorter. After the 120 years was over, the rain came.
Does God Have A New Message For Today?
From the time of Noah until now, God’s message has not changed at all. The time is short but the message is clear: “Judgment is coming!” Noah was 600 years old when he started preaching this message. He lived to be 950 years old. God is doing all he can to save mankind from being lost.
He has said it won’t be water but fire this time (2 Peter 3:7)! God wants us to share the warning and His message of salvation (Matthew 28:18-20).
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Please, brothers and sisters, give ear to this message before it’s too late.
Jesus is our only hope.
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).
May God Bless You!
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark,
And they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:36-39).