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The Pope's Blessings (KJV)

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The full text of this tract is shown below in the KJV version. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.)

Papal Blessings Bring Disasters

History is crowded with instances of disasters which have fallen upon individuals and nations who have sought the Pope’s favors. Space allows us to name only a few.

1851. Pope Pius IX sent the Golden Rose to the king of the two Sicilies. In less than a year he lost his crown and kingdom

1866. The same Pope sent his blessing to the Austrian Kaiser. In less than a year he lost Venetia and was defeated at Sadowa.

1867. The Pope blessed Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. He was dethroned and shot. Then the Pope blessed the Emperor’s widow. She became a hopeless maniac, and died in exile.

1868. The same Pope sent the Golden Rose to Queen Isabella of Spain. In a short time she lost her crown and died in exile.

1895. The Archbishop of Damascus, at Vittoria, gave the Pope’s blessing to the Spanish troops and fleet. Spain then lost two fleets and two armies.

1897. The Papal Nuncio blessed the grand Charity Bazaar in Paris. Within five minutes it was in flames. Nearly 150 of the aristocracy perished, including the sister of the Empress of Austria.

1906. Victoria Eugenie (Ena), daughter of Princess Henry of Battenburg, married Alphonso Xiii, king of Spain. She was required to renounce her Protestant faith, which she did. Within a fortnight afterwards she narrowly escaped death at the hands of a Romish anarchist, while 13 hapless victims succumbed, and 80 others were wounded. Her wedding garments were bespattered with human blood. In 1923 she and her husband were exiled.

The Spain they ruled over became a republic under the Pope’s “Christian gentleman,” General Franco.

1924. A rich English landowner, Mr. Edwards, turned Roman Catholic. In 1929 he went to Rome, was blessed by the Pope, and died in four days.

The Pope blessed the “Italia” airship and gave it a “cross” to place on the North Pole. The airship broke in two, and half the crew were lost.

Coming to recent times again, we recall the rape of Abyssinia; how the Pope praised Mussolini and his Italian army, as they went about their murderous campaign, gassing and bombing the helpless natives. God did not delay His punishment for this fiendish act. Mussolini, who could not be restrained by the League of Nations, was shot dead at the side of his mistress, Petacci, in April 1945.

Note, also, the significance of another recent prominent friendship with “His Holiness.” Mr. Winston Churchill called in at the Vatican, and after that he never regained his authority in Parliament.

General McArthur was presented with an autographed photograph of the Pope, which he considered to be one of his most treasured possessions. Soon after he was demoted as a commander-in-chief and never regained his position.

April 13th, 1951, will be remembered as Black Friday amongst the Protestant people of Britain. A sinister date to the superstitious it was still more ominous for the welfare of their Empire. On that day the future Queen visited the Pope in the Vatican, under servile and unconstitutional conditions.

And Professor Roderick Finalyson, of Edinburgh’s Free Church College, exposed the plot even more incisively. Writing in his church’s magazine he stated: “The tendency of the younger members of the Royal Family, in recent days, to go out of their way to visit the Vatican, and do obeisance to the head of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, is occasioning much distress to many of His Majesty’s most loyal Protestant subjects. It is very significant that after this visit to the Pope, England lost the Persian oil-fields, the Suez Canal and the war against Egypt.”

The President of France made a personal visit to the Pope in 1957, the first time in French history. A few months later the Fourth French Republic started to crumble and the French colonial army has suffered one defeat after another.

Cardinal Stritch of Chicago accepted the invitation of the Pope to become the first American to head one of the Congregation of the Roman Church. He left Chicago after Easter 1958 and he died a few days after his arrival in Rome. The Pope who gave him a blessing for his journey and a blessing when his arm was amputated, did not even go to see him while he was dying just a few blocks from the Vatican.

My dear friend, if you seek the favors and the blessings of men, even if they are priests or the Pope, God will curse your blessing, but if you seek to follow the word of God and if you give glory only to God, then you shall abound with blessings: “If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name … I will curse your blessings” (Malachi 2:2), “A faithful man shall abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20).

To be happy and prosperous, to have freedom from want and freedom from fear, a person, and also a nation, must follow King David’s exhortation: “Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.” (Ps. 144:11) The Pope blesses with his right hand, a “right hand of falsehood.” The Bible says: “All these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God” (Deuteronomy 28:2).

Readers of this tract are invited to be converted to the true Christ of the Bible. Then unite with a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, missionary-minded Evangelical, evangelistic, separated, Fundamental, New Testament Christian church in your community.

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