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Good Friday

Posted by Amy Johnson on

“On the cross, Jesus says that atonement is finished. But so many of us are walking around as if that atonement isn’t complete. We want to pay things back ourselves. We want to earn our way back to God. We want to be worthy of His love.
We can’t experience the freedom of forgiveness if we don’t really believe Jesus’ words on the cross. We walk around feeling abandoned, worthless, guilty, sinful, and defeated. But then we see Jesus on the cross and we hear Him proclaim, “It is finished.”
The amazing message of the gospel is that all of these things are available to us. We can be reconciled with God. We can be reconciled with each other. We can be redeemed from our worthlessness and low self-esteem. We can be justified from the guilt that plagues us and the shame that hangs over our head. We can be sure that God is pleased with us because the perfect sacrifice has been offered on our behalf. And we can go out in victory because of what Jesus has done. We don’t have to live defeated lives. We can be free. Through Christ, we have won! Jesus declared “It is finished.” In that moment everything changed. Can you rest in that?”

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