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Do You Know Grace?

Posted by Amy Johnson on

Many non-Christians know the hymn “Amazing Grace” but may not know what grace means. One day when evangelist D.L. Moody was studying the meaning of God’s grace, he dashed into the street and shouted to the first man he saw, “Do you know grace?” Mystified, the man replied, “Grace who?” No doubt Moody then explained grace—that God has compassion on sin-sick people and freely offers them forgiveness and new life through faith in Jesus Christ.

I heard of a man who had lived a troubled life and died without understanding the message of God’s grace. A minister had talked to him and encouraged him to come to church, but his response was, “I’m too undeserving.” He didn’t know that God’s grace is for the undeserving.

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he bluntly described their pre-Christian lives as being “dead in trespasses and sins” (2:1). Then he used two hope-filled words: but God (v. 4). They introduce God›s mercy and grace that provide forgiveness and new life through Christ. Salvation is through faith, not works, so no one can boast (vv. 8,9).

Let’s help others to understand that God’s salvation is for sinners only—and that includes all of us. That’s what makes God’s grace so amazing!

Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
   That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
   Was blind but now I see.

The first step to receiving eternal life is to admit that we don’t deserve it.

Source: Moments For You

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