The Good Shepherd
Posted by Don Johnson on
David was a shepherd and had a shepherd’s heart. One day, as he faithfully kept his father’s sheep, a lion came and took a lamb out of the flock. This stirred David’s heart, and he tells us: “I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth. And if he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him” (1 Samuel 17:35). David risked his own life to save one little lamb of his father’s flock. It was helpless against a mighty lion, but David, in the power of God, was mightier and delivered the lamb.
The Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ (of whom David is a picture), also keeps His Father’s sheep. He said, “My Father … has given them to Me” (John 10:29). We (the sheep) also have a mighty foe, the roaring lion (Satan)—and need deliverance. The Good Shepherd was prepared to accomplish this, but doing so cost Him His life. Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Nothing short of death could meet our need; in order to save us He must lay down His life. This He did on that center cross on the hill called Calvary. In those three terrible hours of darkness He suffered for the sins of the guilty sheep, and then died so that He might overcome that mighty foe who had the power of death, and deliver the sheep “who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (Hebrews 2:15).
And now, as the blessed result, He gives His followers “eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). How wonderful is the result of the work of the Good Shepherd. Eternal life! Never perish! He who gave Himself for the sheep has also pledged Himself for their safety. He holds them securely in His hand, where none can ever take them away. Even more than that, “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one” (John 10:29-30). The Owner and the Shepherd of the sheep are one. What security!
—Paul Wilson
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