God’s Choice
Posted by Don Johnson on
The story of David opens with a dramatic contrast between the fresh hope of David’s young life and the rejection of King Saul, who proved that he was not fit to act as God’s representative. In God’s Word, we read of four phrases about His choice of David as king.
“The Lord Has Sought Out a Man” (1 Samuel 13:14)
No one can know the day or hour when God passes by, seeking precious vessels and beautiful pearls. When we least expect it, we are being scrutinized, watched, and tested in the events of daily life to see whether we will be faithful with more significant responsibilities. Let us always be on the alert, our armor in place, our lamps burning, our nets mended, and our hearts cleansed.
“I Have Found David, My Servant” (Psalm 89:20)
There is joy in that voice, like that of the shepherd who found the lost sheep in Luke 15. David was found long before Samuel sent for him. When did the Lord discover David? Was it one dawn, when in the first flicker of daylight the young shepherd led his flock from fold to pasture? Or when in an outburst of heroic faith he rescued a trembling lamb from a lion or bear? Or was it one afternoon, when the first concepts of the shepherd psalm stirred in his heart as he sat and watched his charge? Or was it one night, when David heard the silent speech of the heavens declaring the glory of God?
“He Chose David His Servant” (Psalm 78:70)
The people chose Saul, but God chose David. This made David strong. He was aware that the purpose of God lay behind and before him. In the years that followed, when Saul drove David into hiding, the knowledge that he was divinely commissioned was David’s strength (2 Samuel 7:21). We, too, will find strength for every trial when we walk in the will of God and hear Him say, “he is a chosen instrument of Mine to carry My name” (Acts 9:15).
“I Have Provided for Myself a King” (1 Samuel 16:1)
This answers everything. The divine provision meets every need and silences every anxiety. Let us not give in to anxieties about God’s plan for the future. He has already taken care of every possibility. In some unlikely place—perhaps a shepherd’s hut—God has prepared and appointed His instrument. For now, the arrow is hidden in His quiver, but at the precise moment when it will accomplish its greatest effect, it will be revealed and launched into action.
—Adapted from The Life of David by F.B. Meyer
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