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Finding Unity in Christ

Posted by Moments For You on

Will we ever be united? Every day opposite opinions become more polarized, pulling people away from each other. Friendships are ruined, families torn apart, churches split, nations divided. While we desire to stand on our convictions, how can we remain unified at the same time?

In the Bible we read of a perfect unity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; three persons unified as one God. Jesus tells us that He and the Father are one (John 10:30) and that He only sought to do the Father’s will (John 6:38). He also taught that the Spirit was sent into the world from the Father in the name of Jesus (John 14:26). In the Trinity we see relationships exemplified. While humans are driven apart by differences of opinion and desire, the Trinity always remains perfectly unified.

However, our problems with unity stem from a deeper issue than just differences of opinion. We are enemies to God by nature—born into, and loving, our sin (Romans 5:10,12). As a result, we deserve God’s eternal wrath. We cannot expect to have unity with others when we are in rebellion to the One who defines perfect unity.

But God provided a way to be unified with Him. God the Son, Christ Jesus, in His death and resurrection made peace with us (Romans 5:1). When Christ poured out His blood on the cross, the Father was providing the way for the world to be unified with Him (Colossians 1:20). Through this atonement, we are no longer enemies of God but now can find unity with Him (Ephesians 2:18).

The Christian’s unity with God is not just transactional; it is relational. In John’s first letter he describes this unity as “fellowship.” When we are saved, we enter into a relationship with God. We step out of the darkness and into His light. Because of Christ we can approach God’s presence with full confidence (Hebrews 10:19–22). We become united with the perfect God.

Our union with God then becomes the basis for our union with others. Unity must be based on something in common, and there is no better commonality than a relationship with Christ. Despite our differences, our unity with other believers must be more than just a cold doctrinal truth. It should be a relationship defined by fellowship. We can look to the Trinity as the standard for true unity. Each person of the Trinity has a different role yet works together for one common purpose. Similarly, we can be unified with one another, like the hands and feet of one body working together (1 Corinthians 12:12).

We will always have opinions. If we come to a conclusion after prayer, studying, and meditation we should stand firm in it. But we live in a world where opinions are driving us apart. “Do two walk together unless they have agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Let us walk in unity, in agreement that Jesus is Savior and Lord!

—Erik Rasmussen

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