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The Oil Multiplied

Posted by Moments For You on

2 Kings 4:1-7

"According to your faith be it unto you" (Matthew 9:29), was the Lord's word to the two blind men. Wondrous and blessed indeed that in any way our faith, or patience, or expectation should be allowed to measure the active and bounteous power of our Lord! But so it was with the centurion also: "As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee" (Matthew 8:13).

This is the voice of the miracle wrought through the hand of Elisha. For as long as the poor widow produced her vessels, the pot produced its oil. The vessels were the measure of the oil. In other words, divine power waited on faith—faith measured the active resources of God on this occasion. This was like the Lord standing with Abraham, for as long as Abraham stood interceding, the Lord stood promising (Genesis 18:17-33).

But there is another thing. "What hast thou in the house?" said the prophet to the woman—as Jesus afterward said to His disciples, "How many loaves have ye?"—or, as He had said to Moses, "What is that in thy hand?" For it is suitable that whatever we have should be put to use. It may be quite unequal to the necessity, but whatever it is, it should be occupied. It may be but a shepherd's staff, and Israel has to be redeemed; it may be but a pot of oil, and the creditor, who has a right to sell children and all, has to be paid; it may be but five barley loaves, and five thousand hungry ones have to be fed. But still, let what there is be occupied and brought forth. Then let faith count on the power of God and His word of promise, and not only shall the creditor be paid, but life sustained for many more days; not only shall the multitude be fed, but fragments gathered; not only shall Israel be redeemed out of Egypt, but the same shepherd's rod, now God's rod, shall feed and keep the flock to the end of the desert.

—Condensed from Short Meditations on Elisha by J.G. Bellett. Published by Bible Truth Publishers, used by permission.

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