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Aspects of Justification

Posted by Moments For You on

By God, the Agent (Romans 8:33)—He is the Justifier of those who believe on Jesus.

By Grace, the source (Romans 3:24)—Man does not deserve to be justified, yet God gives it to him freely, as a gift, wholly apart from any merit in himself.

By Faith, the principle (Romans 5:1)—The sinner must receive justification by a definite act of trust in the Saviour, believing the Lord Jesus paid the penalty for his sins on the Cross.

By Blood, the ground (Romans 5:9)—This is the enormous price that had to be paid to procure justification. The debt of sin was paid, and now God can justify sinners because righteous satisfaction has been made.

By Resurrection Power, the proof (Romans 4:25)—When Christ was raised from the dead, it gave assurance that He had met every claim of sin and that the believer’s faith is not in vain.

By Works, the fruit or evidence (James 2:24)—Works are the outward, visible proof of the reality of one’s faith. Salvation is not by works, nor by faith plus works. Rather, it is by the kind of faith that results in good works. Works are the outward manifestation that we have been truly justified by faith. Works are not the cause or root of justification; they are the fruit that justifies the believer before men.

—William MacDonald 

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