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Letters & Testimonials


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I just found a book with issues of Moments For You in it. I can't put it down. This book has put me deeper into my Bible. Some things in it, I know nothing about, but I have learned how to look things up in my Bible to find the answers. I am writing to see if there are additional booklets I can receive. I am currently incarcerated and all I have is the Word of God. Anything you send will be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you for your generous donation to the inmates at our institution. Your donation made it possible to express Christian love to some of those in most need of such an expression. With the generosity of folks like you, they received confirmation that there are still some who believe in them, that they can change, and that after they have paid their debt to society they can make a new life for themselves.


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I am writing to thank you for this powerful booklet, "Our Questions, God's Answers," that answered many questions for me. This booklet made it my way by a friend who found it somewhere. I accepted Jesus as my Savior on December 14, 2014 in a cell where I had nothing but time. Every day is a day of learning for me. Do you have any other booklets you can send me so that I can grow in my faith? Thank you so much for all the work you do. I look forward to hearing from you.


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I would like to receive all four volumes of your Daily Bible Reader. They have been a really big help to me and I'm reading more of the Bible that I ever have. Thank you so much and God bless.


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I am an elderly person in my nineties who discovered the ministry of tracts at an early age. I don't know how many thousands of them the Lord gave me the privilege of giving to people both here in the US and in South America. Only eternity will reveal that, plus the souls saved in the reading of them. I am so glad I was introduced to your tracts. "Have a Good Day" is one of my favorites. Not one has ever been refused. People say, "Have a good day" and I reply, "The same to you, and also have a good forever." Praise the Lord, His Word is still sharper than any sword. God bless you for all your work in reaching souls for eternity.