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Letters & Testimonials


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Thank you for your faithfulness in keeping me on your mailing list! I just received your Moments For You issue on "Remembrance." I like to read and study them carefully and then pass them on. Your sample tracts are always a blessing. We have started a group of daily bible reading and prayer here in prison. It started with 2 of us, simply learning the first steps of being a Christian as we read through the gospels together. We were seated on the concrete floor of our dorm and each week, men would walk by, curious, then ask if they could listen in! Surely a drawing of the Holy Spirit as we now have 8-10 men every day. Most, saved since they've be imprisoned, and now making a repentant confession. The samples went quickly, since these men wanted to tell others, especially their families, about a relationship with Jesus. Could...

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I am writing your organization as a desperate new Christian. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to change from the man who came to prison 58 days ago. I need God and to learn absolutely everything possible about Him. I've recently asked Him to become my Lord and Savior. I came across a tract called "Are you a good person?" If possible could you send me some more reading material that can help me?


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I am new in Christ and I am learning daily how to spend quality time with God. I ran across volume 3 of the Daily Bible Reader. This has really challenged me because I have never been able to be patient enough to sit quietly and read. I am so thankful and grateful that the Lord has led me to pick up this book. Now I can't get enough of what He has to offer through His word. Please send me the remaining 3 volumes. God bless you!


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I have been recently transferred to this prison. Since my arrival, I have noticed many of the men are wearing a card that reads Know Jesus, No Peace. After asking a few men where they got them, they gave me your address. So I come to you and humbly ask if you could send one to me.


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Thank you so much for sending me a free Daily Bible Reader booklet.  I have never enjoyed my daily bible reading as much as I have with this booklet! Can you send me Volume 2?