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Letters & Testimonials

FROM: Charles, NC

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Charles, NC

I wanted to thank you for your generosity in giving us all those colored wristbands and accompanying tracts. They were such a hit!  We gave them out in several locations. In some places, we were literally mobbed. At the Wawa elementary school, we passed out over 300 of them as the principal gathered to entire school together to hear the Gospel message. I know those kids will always remember receiving those bracelets, and even if they lose the tracts, they have the message printed inside the bracelets.  Eternity alone will reveal the value of this gift you gave to us. I have attached a picture for you to see.  In Opol, I was passing out the wristbands, with another brother passing out the tracts. A 17 year old girl that attends meetings there, thought it was funny how the kids were clamoring for them. I handed her the bag and asked...

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I've received the material that you sent to me. I want to thank you so much. You are the first place to send me material when I've written to them. It not only blesses me, but others that I come in contact with. What I read and study, I share with all around me. Please send me all that you can, because it's hard to get material when you're incarcerated.


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Thank you so much for your ministry and the tools that you provide for me.  The mini tract cards enable me to open doors into fellow prisoner's hearts and lives that I would not be able to do otherwise. You all are such a tremendous blessing.


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I am blessed and growing, despite my circumstances. In fact, I'm thriving because of them. The Lord used these prisons to bring me to the place of repentance and then used this place to train me, equip me for service, and to mature me as a believer. In fact, the Lord has used this place to raise up an entire "army" of teachers and preachers, just like me--coming from long failures, brokenness, and addictions, who thanks to ministries like yours have been equipped to fulfill the call the Lord has placed upon each one of our lives. So thank you for being behind these walls with us. I've been reading Moments For You for of many many years, and these articles and studies have been a tremendous blessing.


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I am an inmate in Florida and would like to know if you have a mailing list. If so, I would love to be on it. I love your tracts and would love to get a bunch to use in my dorm. I enjoy spreading God's word and helping to make someone's day here.