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Letters & Testimonials


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Thank you for the materials which you have sent. The prison population is so appreciative of your contributions. We are going through a small revival at this time. The Holy Spirit is moving throughout this facility and what's interesting is that we have not seen much in the way of offenders being moved to other facilities. We appreciate the fact that your hearts and minds are continuously focused on the many offenders across the country and their needs. I pray that your generous contributions continue to prosper and make a difference in this world!


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Wow! Received the big box of Moments For You that you sent us. What a huge blessing! This is one of the best I've read so far. My wife and I spent all evening reading through it. We know the inmates are going to treat all of these like candy for their souls. Thank you! Our ministry is in 48 states and we are very thankful. We would still like to be in all 50 states: the last two are Alaska and Utah. Please pray for us.


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Each and every tract is a blessing to read!


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I recently ordered your "You are Loved" motion tract card and the"Somebody Loves You" tract. They were used as part of small gifts that were given out at an event I hosted in the building I live in. It was a Jesus Celebration on May 15th. The purpose was to bring honor and glory to Jesus and to celebrate my birthday in Him of 46 years. I came to Christ May 15, 1970 after living on the street and being in total rebellion. The people who came were touched by the tracts and I had the privilege to give my testimony. There were even some people who came who did not get a formal invitation. What a blessing! It was humbling to be able to point them to Jesus. I am blessed to have been planted here to reach out to others with the Love of Jesus.

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Thanks for sending me your tracts all these years. They sure pick me up! I also pass them out to others I still have 7 years, 4 months, and 1 day left until I'm free. Unless Jesus comes first. But as I think of it, I am free already for I have Jesus in my life. He sets captives free. He's here with me. Keep looking up for He's coming soon. Praise the Lord. He is worthy. Thank you again!