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Letters & Testimonials — gospel tracts


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Last week in the prison yard, we handed out a lot of the gospel tracts you sent us and prayed for people. I always thank God for you. He knows your work and your work is very important. Many brothers in Christ here in prison are now sharing the gospel with their family and loved ones by sending your tracts to them in the mail. It is amazing and it always brings joy when a brother comes to me asking for tracts to send home. Thank you!


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I have been using your gospel tracts for some time now. I am a truck driver and haul containers all over the country. On the front of the containers, we have what is called a bill box, or document holder. This is where I put copies of our Bills of Lading to travel along with the freight to the other end of the line. I have been putting tracts inside of those bill boxes. Your tracts are reaching truck drivers all over the country. They are short enough for the drivers to read "on the fly." I have yet to see any of them tossed on the ground. I figured this would be the best way to reach people without offending anyone.


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I just wanted to tell you that your tracts are BEAUTIFUL!  I have given out so many of them. I even leave tracts in the doctor’s offices and waiting rooms. Any way I can use them, I will do so.  I am the “Tract Lady”! Thank you so much for the perfect tracts!


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Two weeks ago, there was a gentleman on the other side of my prison dorm who got a couple of your gospel tracts. He accepted Jesus as his Savior. People are being reached thanks to you, your care, and your tracts and I thank you.


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Thank you for being so kind and faithful in sending me so many gospel seeds though the years. Also, to whomever has been funding your ministry, that I was able to hand those seeds out to the thousands of men that pass through the Alabama prison system.