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Letters & Testimonials

Here are some encouraging excerpts from the feedback we receive regarding how the Lord is using the various ministries here at Moments With The Book. Have a report or testimony to share? Please drop us a note so we can rejoice with you.


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I gave my life to Jesus and want to share the good news about His glorious love with others. God bless you.


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Our Christian school will be performing the musical Willy Wonka for our summer camp and your candy Motion Tract, "The Sweetest Friend" will be perfect to hand out at the play! Thank you so much!


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By His grace, when I go to grocery stores, retail stores, or just about anywhere people are, I share tracts. I love the way the covers visually and verbally communicate eternal considerations to the hearts and minds of people. And most of all, the inside pages communicate The Gospel of the Grace of God! I believe His Word to be quick and powerful, that it is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and that it will not return to Him void. Praise His holy name!


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Dear MWTB, I love your company and all the people who make it possible for me to stuff a little bit of gospel truth into each pair of crochet slippers I make. Seriously, I've seen tears in their eyes when they thank me for the slippers, but the little card inside from your company puts a smile on the face. I'm now crocheting many coffee cup cozies for the ladies who use a cane. Again, I place your wonderful cards inside, and they love it! One lady saved her tract in her wallet and said she continues to read it. Thank you everyone. I love you all.


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I want to let you know what's going on in my area. We saturated this area twice with “60 Second Gospel” tracts. From the beginning, we believed it was doing what God wanted, but we often questioned how effective our efforts were. I'm happy to tell you—now we know! Through providence, the Executive Director for Go Tell Ministries served as the interim pastor of a nearby local church. While serving as pastor, he generated interest in a Billy Graham type crusade. We are about to sign a contract with a local university to hold a 4 night crusade in Farmville, VA!   We are praying and believing the tracts were the seeds and this crusade will be the harvest. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts, and thank you for your part in this thing God is doing. It’s a lot of work, but it's FUN work!

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